Tinker Fest

Tinker Fest ’17 (Illusions): Journey

tfillusionslogoThe Tinkering Studio celebrated the school holidays with another edition of Tinker Fest from 29 May to 4 June 2017.

Based on the theme on Illusions, visitors wrapped their minds to create and explore visually-warped optical illusions. Through various hands-on activities and workshops, visitors learn science concepts through experimenting and are challenged to watch the world from a different angle.

Hands-on Activities

Science concepts like reflections, refractions and static electricity were explored through the 5 different hands-on daily activities.


Parent-and-child pairs tinkered their creativity to create optical illusions through the different workshops happening throughout the week!

Make Your Own Magic Trick

On Monday, it is Make Your Own Magic Trick where participants make their own optical illusions and put on a show at the end of the workshop.

Shadow Illusion

On Tuesday, participants tinker with lights and objects to create a shadow story in Shadow Illusions. 


The Zoetrope workshop on Wednesday allows participants to produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings of photographs showing progressive phases of that motion.

Light Painting

Thursday has the participants lighting up their thinking caps to create light sources and drawing with lights for Light Painting workshop.

Makey-Makey: Music Room

A musical orchestra was created by the participants using Makey-MakeyTM  and other conductive materials.

About Tinker Fest:
Tinker Fest is a collaboration with Science Centre Singapore and Imagin8ors that connects children, parents, educators and makers through play, exploration and experimentation. It is a bi-annual event happing in The Tinkering Studio, located in Science Centre Singapore Hall E.
Tinker Fest

Tinker Fest ’16: Journey

December 2016 marks The Tinkering Studio’s one year anniversary. We celebrated with having a 9-days long tinkering festival on 10 – 18 December 2016.

Tinker Fest is a collaboration with Science Centre Singapore and Imagin8ors that connects children, parents, educators and makers through play, exploration and experimentation.

The theme of this Tinker Fest is “Spring Fling” which represents our philosophy of springing forward to inspire and energise one another about the joy of learning through the theory of constructivism. We had free drop-in activities and parent-child pair workshops around the themes of metal springs, elastic potential energy of rubber bands and flinging motions of the hands.

Drop-in Activities


Using straws and strips of paper to create a glider. Does the different lengths of materials affect the distance the gliders glide?


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Using recycle toilet rolls, spoons, rubber bands, springs, clips and more to create a catapult.


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Spring Wearables

Using pipe-cleaners, springs to create a bracelet, ring, hairband or necklace that has the “boing boing” effect.


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Story Clip

Stretching their creativity, participants used a clothes pin to create stories.


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During TinkerFest, we had daily workshops that are aimed for parent-child pairs. This is for parents to experience first-hand on tinkering method with their child and -hopefully bring this learning type back to their respective homes.

Monday: Elastic Launcher

Ready… Aim… Launch! Parent-child pairs design their own launchers and target points using the elastic potential energy of rubber bands and other materials.

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Tuesday: Arcademia

Parent-Child pairs came up with your own games and rules to create their own arcade game using electronics, basic programming, recycled materials and more!

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Wednesday: Makey-Makey

Using MakeyMakey, an invention kit developed by MIT Media Labs, parent-child pairs created their own game controllers. They learnt the basic of electricity circuit and experiment with the wide selection materials was provided.


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Thursday: Wind-up Toy

Parent-child pair became a toy-maker for a day! Using rubber bands as pullback motor mechanism, they designed their very own racing car, bumper boat and more.


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Friday: Spring Spin Art

Parent-child pairs had a messy splashy Friday by trying to control splatters of paint using springs and spinning devices. There is art in the science of spinning and springing!

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Do stay updated with us for a tinkerlicious 2017! We can’t wait to tinker together with you!